- 2 min read
The page uses Pyodide to make it possible to run Python code in a browser via WebAssembly.
The demo basically does numerical integration to generate characteristic function of a Normal Distribution.
It does so using Python libraries numpy
and scipy
because doing these in javascript is somewhat very limited.
The Python script is executed in WebAssembly context using Pyodide.
If you click the button above, it will execute the following Python block:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
from scipy.stats import norm
def complex_quad(func, a, b, **kwargs):
def real_func(x):
return func(x).real
def imag_func(x):
return func(x).imag
real_integral = quad(real_func, a, b, **kwargs)
imag_integral = quad(imag_func, a, b, **kwargs)
return real_integral[0] + 1j * imag_integral[1], real_integral[1:], imag_integral[1:]
def characteristic_function(pdf):
def _c(t):
integrand = lambda x: np.exp(1j * t * x) * pdf(x)
return complex_quad(integrand, -np.inf, np.inf)[0]
return _c
# Example usage with Standard Normal distribution
norm_pdf = norm().pdf
dist = norm(loc=0, scale=0.001)
neg_freq = norm(loc=-1, scale=0.001).pdf
pos_freq = norm(loc=1, scale=0.001).pdf
def binomial_pdf(x):
return (neg_freq(x) + pos_freq(x)) / 2
t_values = np.arange(-100, 100) / 100 # array of t from 0 to 100
cf = np.vectorize(characteristic_function(norm_pdf))
original_distribution = (np.vectorize(norm_pdf))(t_values)
complex_results = cf(t_values)
# Return t-values and results as list of list
real_parts = list(map(np.real, complex_results))
imag_parts = list(map(np.imag, complex_results))
# Return t-values and parts as list of list
results = [t_values.tolist(), original_distribution.tolist(), real_parts, imag_parts]
After that the following javascript block will read the result. We then use Plotly to render the data in JavaScript, so that we can interact with the chart.
function generatePlot() {
const result = window.pythonResult
const generatedID = window.pyodideElementID
const plotID =`${generatedID}-plot`
let plotDiv = document.getElementById(plotID)
if(!plotDiv) {
plotDiv = document.createElement('div') = plotID
const parentDiv = document.getElementById(generatedID)
const t = result[0].map((i) => i)
const o = result[1].map((i) => i)
const r = result[2].map((i) => i)
const im = result[3].map((i) => i)
x: t,
y: o,
name: 'Normal Distribution',
type: 'scatter',
mode: 'lines',
marker: { color: 'green' }
x: t,
y: r,
name: 'Characteristic function - Real part',
type: 'scatter',
mode: 'lines',
marker: { color: 'blue' }
x: t,
y: im,
name: 'Characteristic function - Imaginary part',
type: 'scatter',
mode: 'lines',
marker: { color: 'red' }
title: 'Characteristic Function',
xaxis: { title: 't' },
yaxis: { title: 'Value' }