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Nix Flake Lock as your simple Git dependencies


So, recently I decoupled this Gatsby Blog and extracted the main code into a separate repository here: Gatsby Starter Lucernae

The reason I do this is because I’m not familiar enough with how Javascript manage its dependencies. In the past, I have my site broken and unable to be built just because I upgraded the Gatsby version and its plugin. I think it would be wise to have a separate repo to tweak and test the version upgrade, so I can still write for the blogs in the meantime.

After reading out about Gatsby, I decided that it is useful to extract out all non-content data to a seperate repo. This repo will then have Renovate bot updates the dependencies. I will also test build from there, because I can just include small content for each use cases. Since my blogs already has several articles, it would be unwise and difficult to triage/bisect bugs on my own repo. I wouldn’t know which component or article breaks the integration.

So Gatsby docs recommends me to create a Gatsby Theme. I did just that. But the structure of the blogs becomes different. I had to use something called yarn workspace. I have two workspaces, first is the theme (I called it gatsby-theme), second is for the content and what will be actually deployed (I called it site workspace).

After reading a little bit more, I realized that Gatsby is not very modular to handle custom sites. The “framework” expects the site API to be injected/implemented only at the site level. So one site means you need to create gatsby-node.js and gatsby-config.js specifically catered for the site only. What I want/expect to do is to have the theme manage these settings so that my blog repo can just focus on the content, then listed the theme as JS dependency.

Since it was not possible, I ended up having this two workspace. But I don’t want to manage it as submodule as well. I’ve used it in the past, and it’s a pain because you can’t patch changes in your own repo. I ended up copying the gatsby-theme codes directly to my blog repo using Nix Flake as the helper.

Nix Flake as Git source code dependency manager

Originally, Nix Flake were intended to pin dependencies of Nix Packages or Modules. But it can be used to pin the source code as well.

If you see this blog git repo flake.nix file, you can see that I listed the theme repo as an input.

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
    flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
    flake-compat = {
      url = "github:edolstra/flake-compat";
      flake = false;
    devshell.url = "github:numtide/devshell";

    # flake location for the gatsby theme
    gatsby-theme.url = "github:lucernae/gatsby-starter-lucernae";
  outputs = { ... }: {};

Any git URL treated as an input will be treated as input dependencies. So the hash and specific revisions (commits) of that input is stored in flake.lock. We call this pinned dependencies.

Updating the dependencies means either you manually specify the revision hash/name in the input declaration, or you can update your rolling tag using nix flake lock.

nix flake lock --update-input gatsby-theme

This only updates the input pointers. You need to actually use it.

In my current case, since what I want to do is to just copy the source code from gatsby-theme to my repo, then no need to build anything using Nix. I just have to create a shortcut command to copy these source codes.

I also uses as shell helper. Nix Flake has its own customizable devShell (like nix-shell’s shell.nix file). But it’s like a nuclear warhead for simple tasks. Numtide’s devshell builds on top of Flake devShell by providing common structures people usually uses.

I will highlight on the relevant part:

    outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, devshell, gatsby-theme, ... }:
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: {
      apps.devshell = self.outputs.devShell.${system}.flakeApp;
      formatter = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.nixpkgs-fmt;
      devShell =
        pkgs.devshell.mkShell {
          name = "";
          commands = [
              name = "theme-upgrade";
              command = ''
                echo "updating flake lock"
                nix flake lock --update-input gatsby-theme
              name = "theme-update";
              command = ''
                echo "copying gatsby-theme"
                cp -Hrf ${gatsby-theme.outPath}/gatsby-theme .
                chmod -R +w gatsby-theme
                yarn --check-files

I provided two additional commands theme-upgrade and theme-update. theme-upgrade updates the flake lock, while theme-update copied the source code from the pinned input. The command does this:

# Copy source code from the `gatsby-theme` inputs in the directory /gatsby-theme to current directory
# This will also copy it into /gatsby-theme in the current directory
cp -Hrf ${gatsby-theme.outPath}/gatsby-theme .
# Flake input source in the nix store is read-only by default for security reasons
# Modify it by addwing write flag for the copied files, so we can edit it in the future
chmod -R +w gatsby-theme
# Perform some yarn package update, since yarn locks will also changes.
yarn --check-files

These commands is available as commands from the shells. I also uses direnv, so the command is available only when I’m inside the directory. I can then just use the shortcuts


Just like you would with any normal executable.

Quirks of Javascript Packages

You might wonder, since yarn itself has yarn.lock, why not just use yarn?

Well, I have two reason. The first one is that I don’t want to publish my theme to npm. Second, I’ve tried using yarn lock. It’s confusing.

When I used yarn workspace, it read the package.json declaration by my gatsby-theme, but it stores the yarn.lock in the root directory. So the lockfile doesn’t actually get copied, sadly. It is possible that the package.json description is not strict enough, and my blog and the theme ends up having two different lock files. Meanwhile, I want it to just works and reproducible.

I have no solution for now, but I think in the future I will copy the root yarn.lock when doing theme-update. This will integrate nicely with renovate-bot to maintain the dependencies. For the cloud build in netlify and GitHub action, mostly it wasn’t necessary to do these because all these node_modules will be downloaded from scratch. Meanwhile, on local development, I had to clean it up first.

Rizky Maulana Nugraha

Written by Rizky Maulana Nugraha
Software Developer. Currently remotely working from Indonesia.
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